Monday, June 23, 2008


Cruising down memory lane of Tutong road.. Passed by Houses of Grand Uncles, Aunts, cousins and our escape place Grandma's house.. how peaceful life can be living in the rural areas away from the city, with the night breeze and the sound of the sea waves... however access to the daily routine is very far and it takes awhile to reach to another place which is more happening..

mystical thoughts pops up our mind as the time was close to midnight and anything could happen and we could come across something of the dark side... We did a few night vision recording and filming our journey.. however nothing appeared...i reckon its one of the journey that i would not forget... numerous convo talked among each other appeared on the recording...

yes i reckon Brunei is the new and getaway place for retirement and rehab without going into any relevant institutions...

last but not least i had fun being back at home.....


I want to see more of YOU!!!!!!!!!!

how long has it been?

Peace out A-Town....

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