Sunday, April 1, 2007



ten reasons for Not feeeling well..

1.) Homesick
2.) Feeling Guilty of a long nite thus i need to do work today
3.) Tired
4.) Hungry
5.) Wanna See my 1st Nephew
6.) clueless bout my work dued on wednesday
7.) Sleepy
8.) Migrain (Not) How does migrain goes?.... hmm never experience it..
9.) Missing My Bed in Brunei
10.) I cant wait to drive....

so i wanna go back for easter.. its a week+ holiday why cant i go back.. hmm... other words me personally cant wait for May... yeppie... hehehe.. The Baby, My PWC, My CuzCo., My Gangs&xoxox, My Bands, My performance, My driving license, Hali's Wedding, My Stuff, My Foods, gosh i have lots of assignments due in soon.. i have to stop enjoying and taking my own sweet time.. hmpf..

its good that some reliable resources are updating me with the baby... and my family awareness in brunei... hehehhee.. and yesterday i received lots of compliments and on the streets i was given this New Yorker Look from top to bottom.. but its all good all good.. hmm... Pokoknya gue mau pulang deh ke brunei...

and i cant believe that im listening to Kristal Fm Just for the sake of homesickenss and joined the web chat.. hmpf.. hehehe.. bt all their support in that web room are very good responds and helpful at times...

chao for now.. is good to meet more new friends... not only internationally but bruneians as well.. cant wait for the pictures to be sent to me.. hehee..have fun on a sunday...

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