Thursday, August 30, 2007

10 to go.....

Been spending time with my uni friends... and few days ago spent time with Huda just catching up... so after Tute today we were browsing stuff with my uni friends and had a great time... looking for lingerie that a friend of mine planning to buy for his gf and we went for coffee.... been awhile spending time with them.. as the times are clashed and i only spend time with them in lecture and tute... hehehe... but its all good... and they said im being modest not to accept the fact that they really envy me...

planning to do my lecture due tommorow but i reckon asking for extension till monday... i have to do my interview as soon as possible...Byk bah krja ah!!!.... and i cant wait to LEAVE.... homesick... im feeling a lil bit better for the sore throat...

for this while my days are filled with MONOPOLY.... hehehehe ive been winning lots.. and to those people u knw which are my favourite lands.. hehehe..

and Yesterday i caught "I pronounce you CHUCK and LARRY!" with the ago2 girls..... this is abso-wicked huge laughter movie... its better than the simpsons the movie joke... hehehehe... rock on.. a must watch movie...


leave you guys with mr Huda's bday dinner - few weeks ago... (got this picture few hours ago)..

and to My Beloved Bruneian and those who used to live in Brunei.... do remember your appointment with BSSMELb this coming saturday a GET together lunch.... $15 ya.... see you all there...and to those is not too late just drop by during the lunch we are
still inviting people..

and 31/8 to my Msian friends Happy Merdeka... and to My Beloved Msian twins Nana and Naqi HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Both of You..

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